I believe in love. I believe happiness comes from within. I believe laughter cures all. Mostly, I believe life is what you make of it; never take it for granted..
Most of my blogs are about my simple way of living. I love to blog poems, love quotes, inspirational life quotes, words to ponder and sometimes, I post all my shots in my "so-called" MIHOKO PHOTOGRAPHY.
Please allow me to share to you this simple blog I have. :) You are free to like, comment or share.

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Monday, August 15, 2011


I grasped that the rules in life are the same as the rules in driving. Be patient and rational. Give way. Wait for your turn. Stop at each crossroads. Look at both sides before making a turn. Succomb to the one that has the right of way. Be alert. Always have quickness of thought. Go behind  the stop light. Stop when the red light is on. Do not overlook  the yellow or warning light. Do not peruse your comfortable speed. If lost along distoted streets, go back to the main road. Have an encompassing view of the road further on you. watch out for dangers. Stay out of potholes. Do not jeopardize the safety of your loved ones just to get ahead. If tired, stop and rest.

I always consider that driving is like living your life. You are the one navigating your life to the destination you want it to go. You might find yourself sometimes stopping at a crossroad uncertain of what path to take but then most often you settle on the path you’re most sure of and comfortable with. You will stumble opun big, small, smooth or uneven lumps but just the same you move forward. If you fail to spot your turn, you back up or go back. If you meet an accident due to carelessness and get out of it unscathe, you charged it to experience. If you get a ticket, you take it and you learn from there. Some routes are short, some routes are long either way, you take it as it. Taking the shortcuts though, most of the time, is CHEATING your way through life. Nothing beats the sense of accomplishment of having arrived at your destination using the long, bumpy, difficult road because in life, it is really not about getting there that matters but the guts it took for you to get there. In life, just like in driving, you only take calculated risks. Risks that are based on sound judgement. Living your life is like driving responsibly, it is about thinking not only of yourself but of others as well because your one quick decision might not only change your life but the lives of others as well
Nothing comes easy so it is better to learn to drive manually first before you move to automatic and always enjoy the drive to your destination…

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