I believe in love. I believe happiness comes from within. I believe laughter cures all. Mostly, I believe life is what you make of it; never take it for granted..
Most of my blogs are about my simple way of living. I love to blog poems, love quotes, inspirational life quotes, words to ponder and sometimes, I post all my shots in my "so-called" MIHOKO PHOTOGRAPHY.
Please allow me to share to you this simple blog I have. :) You are free to like, comment or share.

Thank you for visiting this page. Blessings & care!



Friday, April 6, 2012


It's holy Friday today.. We are  eating "BINIGNIT" with my relatives. It is so hot outside and we can really feel the heat of sun.. It is summer time.

Now, while eating my Binignit I am sharing to you my other pictures of MIHOKO PHOTOGRAPHY in my Fb account. CLICK THIS ->  MIHOKO PHOTOGRAPHY

Have a nice day people! :)

xoxo- alegna

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