I believe in love. I believe happiness comes from within. I believe laughter cures all. Mostly, I believe life is what you make of it; never take it for granted..
Most of my blogs are about my simple way of living. I love to blog poems, love quotes, inspirational life quotes, words to ponder and sometimes, I post all my shots in my "so-called" MIHOKO PHOTOGRAPHY.
Please allow me to share to you this simple blog I have. :) You are free to like, comment or share.

Thank you for visiting this page. Blessings & care!



Wednesday, April 11, 2012


In this fast pace planet, we should never forget not to expect,
Life will ruin you, hurt you, and down you;
Thus, change your mindset, and dance in the beat,
Life will honor you, care you and cheer you.

*This is my first made poem in this blog :)


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